Fueling Up With Breakfast

It’s been said time and again, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! A healthy, high energy breakfast can help set the stage for a high energy day. In general, skipping breakfast can lead to less ability to concentrate, less ability to work efficiently, less energy for activities of daily living and can cause irritability and a short temper. In addition, the act of eating requires a lot of energy that many hospice patients just don’t have by the time lunch and dinner come around. Many hospice patients feel best early in the day, so breakfast can be a great time to provide extra calories, which may help make up for a poor or reduced appetite as the day goes on. Below is a list of some healthy breakfast ideas, but remember that it is not necessary to eat only breakfast foods at breakfast. If you don’t like the usual breakfast foods, leftovers and non-traditional breakfast items can be substituted.

  • Yogurt topped with cereal or granola
  • Banana and peanut butter with a large glass of milk
  • Fruit and yogurt parfait or smoothie
  • Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter and a large glass of milk
  • Oatmeal or cold cereal topped with dried fruit and nuts
  • Toaster waffles topped with peanut butter, yogurt or fruit
  • Spread a flour tortilla with peanut butter, add a whole banana and roll it up
  • Whole grain bagel with almond butter and apple slices
  • English muffin toasted with cheese and ham
  • Egg omelet with fresh vegetables and cheese
  • Cottage cheese with fruit

Questions? Please call your Hospice of Huntington Dietitians:
Kellie Glass RD, LD 606.615.2585 or Amy McFann RD, LD 304.690.5063

Hospice of Huntington

P: 304.529.4217 Toll-Free: 800.788.5480

P.O. Box 464 | Huntington, WV 25709
1101 Sixth Avenue | Huntington, WV 25701