Poor Appetite

Poor appetite is a common issue for our patients and can be caused by a number of problems. Sometimes difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, taste changes, and depression can lead to poor intake. Here are some supportive tips for patients and families:

  • Allow the patient to choose how much to eat. Do not force the patient to eat.
  • Prepare smaller meals so as to not overwhelm the patient. Small, frequent meals are usually more accepted.
  • Provide high calorie, easy to eat foods such as pudding, custards, jello, icecream, yogurt, milkshakes, eggnog, or high calorie nutritional supplements.
  • Avoid greasy, spicy, overly sweet and dry salty foods.
  • Serve food cold or at room temperature to decrease smell and taste.
  • Set an attractive table.
  • Serve beverages between meals instead of with meals.
  • Provide good mouthcare.
  • Do not show disappointment if the patient does not eat.

Source: Home Health and Hospice Care, Inc.

Questions? Please call your Hospice of Huntington Dietitians:
Kellie Glass RD, LD 606.615.2585 or Amy McFann RD, LD 304.690.5063

Hospice of Huntington

P: 304.529.4217 Toll-Free: 800.788.5480

P.O. Box 464 | Huntington, WV 25709
1101 Sixth Avenue | Huntington, WV 25701